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Mesothelioma Stages

Doctors use staging to indicate how far cancer has spread throughout the body because it helps cancer care teams communicate case details and make important treatment decisions for their patients. Systems have been established to determine size of tumors, growth of the cancer, and if it has spread to other areas of the body.

Assessing Your Mesothelioma Stage

At the time of a mesothelioma diagnosis, your physician may assess your cancer in a process called staging, as guided by the standards of the Internal Mesothelioma Interest Group (IMIG) Staging System. This assessment may be used to gain more insight into the location(s) and severity of your mesothelioma diagnosis (growth and spread), as well as used for determining the appropriate treatment plan based upon your mesothelioma stage.

Depending on how far the cancer has spread throughout the body and the gravity of the prognosis, treatment options may vary based upon the individual’s health assessment. Generally, the defining qualities of each stage under the IMIG Staging System rubric are defined as follows:

Stage 1

The cancer is localized with no metastasis having yet occurred. This is the earliest stage in the mesothelioma stage classification and often renders the most positive prognosis of all the stages with the most treatment options available.

Stage 2

The cancer remains localized, although the tumor has grown somewhat from its origin. The cancer is not yet affecting the Lymphatic System.

Stage 3

The cancer remains localized, although the tumor has now metastasized, consequently affecting the lymph nodes and other surrounding tissues and organs.

Stage 4

The cancer has now spread away from its origination point and has substantially metastasized to other organs and tissues throughout the body. This is considered the latest stage classification.

Once the stage of mesothelioma has been determined, further analysis will occur to determine the size of the tumor and any spread of the cancer (T); if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes (N); and if metastasis has occurred (M, which references the spreading of the cancer to other body parts).  Known as the TNM staging system, this is a widely used cancer staging system for many types of cancer and is a primary method for cancer reporting. X-rays, lab tests, and other tests or procedures all assist in identifying the stage and progression of mesothelioma cancer.

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