How Do Clinical Trials Work?
During the mesothelioma treatment process, your medical care team and doctor may recommend a few clinical trials that could help improve your prognosis. Explanation how each prospective trial will operate and how it may affect your quality of life should be shared as well as what you can expect throughout the process.
Prior to giving consent to participate, you should review the details of the trial with your doctor as well as understand the intended goals of those operating the clinical trial. Additionally, it would be beneficial to understand how often you will need to visit the hospital or conducting facility and to understand your rights as a patient, including your right to know about the treatments used in the study, and your right to leave the trial at any time. It is important to note that the executed consent form is not a binding contract and that you can leave the trial for any reason at any time without needing to disclose your reasons to the research team.
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